Monday, April 4, 2011

The Lie!

Most people around me think I'm wrong. Sometimes I think about what they say, even though their arguments aren't reasonable nor logical in any way. But I prefer to take every word in consideration, that I might catch something useful.

It's about love and marriage. They think that marriage is just a matching procedure where a guy meets a girl, and everyone takes what they like from the other and skip what they don't. Every guy needs a girl and vise versa. That's true! But what I don't believe that to follow your blind desire for a temporary satisfaction.

I've seen many real stories are being repeated in front of my eyes all the time. When a couple faking their feelings under what's called Love and it constantly grows up until they have enough of it. And the tree falls down. The Lie falls down!

What really makes me confused is that they are still faking or it's better to call it deceiving themselves. They assume that they were in love and it's gone! They aren't brave enough to admit they have been lying and it wasn't love. It was just an emotional desire of having someone to love and care about, and they actually knew it wasn't real. It was an imitation.

It's a kind of human weakness. He invents a play to feel happy and get the load off of his back. But in fact he puts another load a bigger one this time! And it hurts either but a little late. It's selfishness! It could go further either when this lie brings a little creature to life? An innocent creature!

I can't invent feelings and convince myself they are true. That's why I'm 28 years old and still single. Of course being lonely isn't so great. But at least, I'm glad I follow my own values, and I somehow see the truth!

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